Omkar Mohite presented a poster at COBRA conference in Seattle, USA

He recently presented highlights of our work from Genome-scale Metabolic Modeling package of IIMENA project at COBRA conference in Seattle, USA from 14-16 October, 2018. We are developing modeling tools with specific attention towards biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. These tools can add unique value allowing to expand applications of fast growing COBRA methods to improve production of antibiotics. It was very inspiring to listen to talks and poster presentations from some of the leaders in this highly relevant  field to his PhD project.
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A Novel Biosensor to Advance Diverse High-Level Production of Microbial Cell Factories

A research group at KAIST presented a novel biosensor which can produce diverse, high-level microbial cell factories. The biosensor monitors the concentration of products and even intermediates when new strains are being developed. This strategy provides a new platform for manufacturing diverse natural products from renewable resources. The team succeeded in creating four natural products of high-level pharmaceutical importance with this strategy. This article was published so far at three different places. Find them below. - KAIST news - EurekAlert - ScienceDaily
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